Thursday, July 5, 2012

Why Live and Work in Costa Rica for 1 Month?

Living abroad and becoming fluent in a second language have been a couple of the most pivotal experiences of my life.  Consequently, I have had a deep conviction about raising our children in a bilingual environment and exposing them to different cultures.  I've spoken with our boys in Spanish since birth.  In fact, Spanish was their first language.  But after 2 years of English Pre-K and Kindergarten, their Spanish language skills have waned.    Their understanding is good; but their ability to converse needs work.  I feel like we are at a crossroads -- and I wanted to do whatever I could to get them in a Spanish speaking environment this summer.

Given the fact that Spanish language camps are harder to find in Miami than you may expect --.and also quite pricey....I started thinking about other options....  And after hearing about our cousin Suzanne's experience learning Spanish and living abroad with family in Costa Rica, it seemed logical.  I could work remotely, rent an apartment, and find a way to immerse the boys in Spanish during the day.  I started researching local day camps and potential accommodations in Latin America.  After researching for several months, we decided to go to Costa Rica for a month!

The boys are attending a local day camp in the mornings while I work.  Then they get an opportunity to interact with kids in the neighborhood in the afternoon (and I can work if necessary) or we can explore the area.  We will get to see some more of this beautiful country shortly when Larry returns and we get to visit more of the rainforest!

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